Because of excessive news-watching and social media use combined with a number of actual predatory incidents in my local community, I recently found myself in the situation of being so overly concerned about predators in our society that I started to feel as though I was attracting them in my life! This is uncharacteristic of me and not something I want to continue. And yet I don’t think it wise to discount one’s perceptions when it comes to predatory activity. I might even say that a “healthy” amount of paranoia might be helpful in some respects, at least in certain situations. Street smarts, or at least the ability to keep your wits about you, is a helpful tool to have in your back pocket in potentially dangerous situations. But if you grew up on the streets, an abusive family, or in a community hostile to your ethnicity, race or social class you might not have that need for caution or discernment in your back pocket anymore—you might be wearing it as a cloak! And worse, you might be projecting that paranoia onto other people and situations where there is no intentional harm or danger present at all! That might cause you to act out at people where it is unwarranted and then attract that same behavior right back at you. Hurt begets hurt that begets hurt.
But that’s not all that can happen. If you’re hooked on social media or news commentary shows you might find that your “healthy” paranoia is being exploited for political or financial gain. An air of mistrust of our fellow Americans has been cultivated in recent years. We’ve all being trained to look for injustice, participate in controversy, and make enemies of each other over things that we NEVER would have fought with each other over before. I’ve been wondering about what flower essence might be useful for this. There are a few that might be applicable. (Beech for intolerance and excessive criticism of others comes to mind.) But then a flower essence that rarely sells in my shop—Oregon Grape—popped up in my sales and, therefore, field of view.
Oregon Grape is quite specific to the situation I just described—the need to maintain healthy protective boundaries without losing compassion, goodwill, and the ability to trust. I tried Beech and Oregon Grape last night to compare their effects on me. Beech dispelled some of the negativity I was feeling—it literally felt like it cleared my head. But when I tried Oregon Grape I felt calmed, more grounded and interior (if that makes sense). It felt like I was held safe in my core. Obviously, these flower essences are addressing different things (although I’m sure they could be used together)! Beech seems like it was addressing my belief systems. Oregon Grape most definitely affected my sense of confidence and inner security. It was not a “let’s go out and do something” kind of confidence. It was a feeling of feeling safe in myself—less exteriorly focused, and more secure within.
I don’t feel like I’m going to be overly trusting of other people now. To the contrary, actually. I feel like my boundaries are stronger and I don’t have to overly defend myself. My healthy—let’s call it discernment now—is intact. But perhaps there’s no need to rush into battle without good reason, perhaps there’s an ability to hold back judgement while I’m checking a situation out, perhaps there’s the ability to try to look for common ground, while not assuming anything. And that’s a better thing.
Flower essences are used to assist with mind-body-spirit interactions and individual results may vary. They are extremely dilute which makes them quite safe. But because so little physical substance can be detected in a flower essence solution, these products are presumed to work on an energetic or vibrational level—something that cannot be adequately tested by western scientific methods. Claims made by me, therefore, are based on personal experiences and the evidence of the combined multiple decades of case notes by Dr. Edward Bach as well as Healing Herbs and Flower Essence Services (the companies who make the ingredients I use in my products). This is not, however, accepted medical evidence or substantiated scientific evidence from a modern allopathic point of view. I am not a medical doctor or licensed healthcare practitioner.
Statements made have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided on my blog, websites or by this company are not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a health care provider, and should not be construed as individual medical or mental health advice. Consulting with a health care provider is a must for anyone taking medications or working with a medical or mental health condition, and highly recommended before using any herbal product. Please consult your doctor or health care provider for any possible contraindications and/or interactions with current medications. I trust you to seek the medical guidance you need to use any of my herbal products healthily at your own risk.