My Attracting a Partner formula is popular so I rarely need to advertise it at all. But I often think it best to share a little about how it really works because it doesn’t work the way people might expect! It’s not a magic potion—it works by helping you feel better about yourself so you attract positive attention from people who are attracted to that!
When you feel better about yourself, you act differently. You’re more friendly because you’re less afraid of rejection. (If it happens, so what—their loss!) Or maybe you walk into a room with more ease and confidence. Maybe you’ll allow a sparkle into your eyes or make eye contact you might otherwise avoid. How this works is a little difficult to predict. But it’s all about what happens inside of you!
The first time I used this formula, I went to my weekly dance class and rather than quietly doing my shy-Sheryl thing, I found myself relaxedly chatting with the people around me and had more fun in that class than I ever had before! The next time I used it, I enjoyed a fun flirtatious conversation with a guy in a coffeeshop. And today I have a long-time loving relationship, but I still use it because in menopause it helps me feel better about how I look (grey hair, wrinkles and all).