In ancient times, Saint John’s Wort or hypericum was thought to protect against evil spirits and for cleansing a person of damaging influences. It blooms at summer solstice so it was often associated with Midsummer celebrations, sometimes thrown into a fire that people jumped over to rid themselves of evil spirits. As an herbal remedy, it has been used throughout Europe since ancient times for a wide variety of purposes ranging from help for emotional difficulties to immune-system related disorders to skin care. It has an affinity with the heart which means it might have some use for certain kinds of physical heart ailments; however, it also can dangerously increase the effect of medications used for this purpose and interfere with many other medications. It also can have a photosensitizing effect (meaning a person can become more sensitive to the effects of the sun). It should not be used as an herb without consulting with a medical professional and an herbalist to make sure this is an appropriate option for you.
As a flower essence, Saint John’s Wort is not dangerous. It is used in particular for very sensitive people who are overly vulnerable to the negative influence of others. It serves as a kind of protection and can also help a person release those feelings. So in that way, the essence is used for similar purposes as the ancient spiritual ones. It is also used to bring more light into a person’s soul. Imagine if in the darkest part of winter you could bring the light of summer solstice into your being. Some people use full spectrum lighting and vitamin D for similar effects—it helps cast away gloom and brings more well-being and joy. The flower essence can lighten things up as well. And has a protective effect, again, against being overly influenced by the darkness.
Flower essences are used to assist with mind-body-spirit interactions and individual results may vary. They are extremely dilute which makes them quite safe. But because so little physical substance can be detected in a flower essence solution, these products are presumed to work on an energetic or vibrational level—something that cannot be adequately tested by western scientific methods. Claims made by me, therefore, are based on personal experiences and the evidence of the combined multiple decades of case notes by Dr. Edward Bach as well as Healing Herbs and Flower Essence Services (the companies who make the ingredients I use in my products). This is not, however, accepted medical evidence or substantiated scientific evidence from a modern allopathic point of view. I am not a medical doctor or licensed healthcare practitioner.
Statements made have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided on my blog, websites or by this company are not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a health care provider, and should not be construed as individual medical or mental health advice. Consulting with a health care provider is a must for anyone taking medications or working with a medical or mental health condition, and highly recommended before using any herbal product. Please consult your doctor or health care provider for any possible contraindications and/or interactions with current medications. I trust you to seek the medical guidance you need to use any of my herbal products healthily at your own risk.